Wednesday, October 16, 2013

To Finish or Not to Finish?

So I was thinking about this today as I was reading a new book. Do any of you ever not want to finish a book? What do you do? Do you push through and read it anyways? Or do you just stop, find something else, and get rid of the book?

In the past, I have always tried to finish a book that I started. If I didn't like it, I just tried to push through it and finish reading it. However, I then became a book hoarder and that had to change a little. Now, if I don't really like a book, or I can't seem to get into it right away, I put it down and pick up something else. I usually always go back to re-start the book at some time.

Then one day I came across a comment someone left on a blog that stated the blogger rarely ever finished a book if she didn't like it. Her reasoning? There were too many books in the world to waste time on a book that wasn't for her. After reading this, it was like a light came on in my head; why was I wasting all this time with a book that I wasn't that interested in? I could be spending my time reading novels that I actually wanted to read, rather than ones I felt like I needed to.

Well... easier said than done. I have a couple books that I feel like I really need to read, but every time I pick them up, I get bored and am easily distracted. I don't think I've ever stopped reading a book knowing that I wasn't going to finish it. Even after reading that one comment, I still find myself reading a book that I'm not really interested in. I just feel so GUILTY putting a book down and not finishing it. I feel like its rude to the author and everyone that went into creating this book. I know I should get past this eventually because there are so many books that I really want to read, but just don't have time for it because of all the other books that are I've either said I will read, or that I feel like I should read. I really shouldn't punish myself for not having read certain books. Reading is supposed to be enjoyable right? It's not supposed to make me want to watch TV instead or fall asleep.

How do I get over this feeling of guilt for not finishing a book?!


  1. I DNF all the time. There are many reasons, for me personally. If I am bored or certain.. touchy subjects make me not finish. I don't ever feel guilty. I agree, I don't want to "waste" my time on a book I know I wont like. Which, in the same token, I try not to read any books that I have any inkling of not liking. Make sense?

    Also, what's the point in finishing a book if you are bored and probably wont remember it anyway?! :D

    It might take you a few times to not feel guilty. OR you will finish a book that you REALLY disliked.

    1. Right! I think its something that I need to work on because its just wasting my time and energy trying to finish. Plus then I don't pay attention to it as much and don't remember details, like you said.

      Thanks for the input! :)

  2. Was that me that said that, as it sounds exactly like something I would say! I never like DNF'ing but I just can't be bothered finishing a book just for the sake of it. If I hate a film, I switch it off and the same with books, if I'm not in to it then I just close it. I don't feel disrespectful to the author, the book just isn't for me and is best left to other readers who will appreciate it more. I hate when I DNF review books but it happens and if I can't finish it then I think that's valuable feedback for the publisher too as I doubt I will be alone in my thoughts.

    1. It might have been you! I can't remember where I saw it, but its good advice :) I think I'm going to have to do that to 2 of the books I recently received. Unfortunately they're just not grabbing my attention. Maybe they will at a later time, but I can't force myself to read it just to get it done as soon as possible for a review, because then it won't be a worthy review.

      Thanks for the advice and stopping by!

  3. I DNF if it really bothers me or if I just can't connect or care about what happens. I got a few chapters into a book last month and the writing just wasn't working for me, plus the characters were obnoxious. I didn't care what else happened, so I just quit reading. Most of the time if I'm at least somewhat engaged, I'll want to know what happens and that usually keeps me reading. I think you should always just read what you want to read, and not try to forcer yourself to read things you aren't enjoying! Sometimes going back to a book after taking a break can be a huge help, too!

    1. I agree! I go back to books often and it makes a big difference sometimes. That's probably what I will do this time as well. Unfortunately one of those books is for a blog tour that's coming up, but if I can't get into it, then I just can't. It's not that its a bad book, or that the writing is bad. It's just not for me at this time. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I rarely DNF'd a book prior to blogging. I had probably didn't it once or twice. Now though ... I don't like wasting my time torturing myself. I have pushed through a couple recently, but there was still something to them that made me want to keep reading.

    1. Yea, I can often find something that makes me want to keep reading, but there are just some that don't catch my attention. I've decided to DNF a book that I was reading last week... It will stay on my shelf for a while, and I might try to go back to it later, but I just don't want to finish it now. I guess before blogging I didn't feel the pressure to finish books (though I always did), but now that I have deadlines sometimes, it makes reading a book that I don't really like much more difficult.
