Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the The Broke and the Bookish. Every week she posts an idea for a 'Top Ten' list relating to books, and encourages other book bloggers to respond and participate. All the details are listed on her site. 

This week's topic: Top Ten things I'm thankful for

1. Family - My parents, brothers and fiance (as well as extended family) are the biggest influences of my life, and I really don't know what I would do without them! 

2.  Friends - I have some pretty amazing people in my life and can't imagine life without them. Some live far away and I don't see them too often, but I know they're always there for me

3. My Job - Even though I may not like it all the time, I'm still doing something that I worked really hard for and enjoy most days. I'm also thankful just to be about to work and provide a living for myself. 

4. Life  - I'm thankful to be living and have a comfortable lifestyle. I may not be rich, or have everything I want, but I have everything I need and am happy to wake up each morning. 

5. Books - My addiction! I'm so happy we live in a world where books are banned or prohibited! Don't know what I would do if they were!

6. Food - Ahhhh, my weakness. I love baking, cooking, and trying new foods! 

7. Crafting - So much fun! My mom and I recently started a blog (CraftMeThisCrochet.blogspot.com) where we will be showing our work and talking about anything relating to crafts (mostly crochet items). Since this is a new adventure for us, we will also start donating items that we've made the the UW Children's Hospital and the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. (: 

8. TV shows/movies - They are my guilty pleasure. I love sitting down with a good TV show or movie, curling up in a blanket and just relaxing. 

9. My Cats - They are like my children! They annoy me, and get into so much trouble when we aren't home, but they love unconditionally. 

10. Freedom - I'm thankful to be able to live how I want to live. I don't have to worry too much about what I can and can't do (obviously within reason). 

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