Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday 7.1.14

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the The Broke and the Bookish. Every week she posts an idea for a 'Top Ten' list relating to books, and encourages other book bloggers to respond and participate. All the details are listed on her site.

This week's question: Top Ten favorite classics, or top ten classics you want to read

I haven't read too many classics... a few in high school, but not as many as I'd like! Here are my top favorite classics I've read and those I wish to read! 


1. Pride and Prejudice (and everything else by Jane Austen)
I know... I can't believe I haven't read it yet! I love the newer movie with Keira Knightly, but every time I want to start it, I get distracted with something else. 

2. Anna Karenina
I started this one! But set it aside to read something else, and haven't gone back to it yet. 

3. Chronicles of Narnia 

4. Les Miserables
 I haven't even seen the movie, but I've heard good things so I want to read and watch it!

5. Gone with the Wind 

6. Anne of Green Gables 
I have a friend who LOVES this series, but I have yet to read it... 


1. The Hobbit 
2. The Great Gatsby
3. The Scarlet Letter
4. The Picture of Dorian Gray
5. To Kill a Mockingbird


  1. OOh nice mix! Haven't read any of these sad to say!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. That's ok! I'm pretty far behind on reading classics... I'm sure I could add tons more to my TBR list (: Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Great lists! I'd like to read Picture of Dorian Gray and To Kill a Mockingbird but (shame on me) I think I'll just watch the movie of Anna Karenina and Les Miserables. I read Pride and Prejudice and liked it but haven't come around to watch the movie, yet, maybe I'll in the summer. :)

    My TTT list: http://www.reading-is-dreaming-with-open-eyes.blogspot.hu/2014/06/top-ten-classics-i-want-to-read.html#more

    1. I might just watch the movies of those two as well. I really want to read them, but there are also so many other books to read that I have to pick and choose! (:

  3. I want to read all of Jane Austen's too! Mostly Pride and Prejudice though. :)

  4. I would recommend Pride & Prejudice, it's a great book! I really want to read The Picture Of Dorian Gray, which you've read!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. I enjoyed The Picture of Dorian Gray! It was dark, but really good (: I just picked up a new book, but maybe after that one I'll read P&P :)
