Hope everyone is still having a great start to the New Year! Here is to part 2 of my New Year's resolutions! This time it's about my personal resolutions for 2015. If you missed my first post about my blogging and reading resolutions, click the link here. Read on to see what my personal resolutions are!
Get organized in my life -- I chuckle when I think of saying this, but it's true. I feel like my life is very chaotic and unorganized. I really think it has to do with getting married this past October. I was so concentrated on getting everything together for our wedding that everything else was pushed to the back burner. And then when we got back from the honeymoon, we had a little time to relax before the holidays started. Add to that house hunting and buying a house? Feels like complete chaos. I started working on getting organized last night with bills and important paperwork, but its just the tip of the iceberg.
Get back into the gym -- Jump started this resolution tonight by going with my husband. We've been going pretty consistently for the last two years, but with the wedding, holidays and house buying (see above!), its been pretty tough getting there as much as we'd like. I've never been one to workout or run, but I started when I met my husband because working out is something he enjoys (but despises running lol). I slowly, and I mean very slowly, starting running and worked my way up to consistently running about 3 miles each time we went, which was about 4 times a week. At one point, I ran 5 miles and I was beyond proud of myself. It only happened that once, but I hope it will happen again! Today was that start of my gym-rat future (ok, I'll probably go 3-4 times a week, but its better than what I have been doing!)
Move into our new house -- Ahh! Can't believe we actually bought a house! It's a cute little ranch in the neighboring city and I'm beyond excited to move. The only downside of this is that I need to start packing and getting our apartment organized NOW. And then... unpack and organize our new house! Hopefully that will be the last time we move for a while!
Work on my scrapbooks -- I bought a Silhouette earlier this year and started working on a project for my parents. It's much more time consuming that I thought it would be! Apparently I was naive about the process! My goal is to get back into this project because I also added a scrapbooking project to my list of my wedding and honeymoon!
Work on my genealogy -- I started getting interested in this when I was in high school because we needed to do some work on our family history. After that, though, I lost touch with it and didn't get back into it until about 2 years ago. I was lucky enough to find a piece of paper in my grandpa's pictures that had a name of an individual who was doing work on our family name. I wasn't sure if this would lead anywhere since the letter was written about 10 years prior, but I gave it a chance and emailed the guy. Luckily, his email still worked and I got about 200 years of family history from him. Since then, I've been playing around with it on my own and just bought a subscription to Ancestry.com. But again, with life being so chaotic recently, I haven't done much with it. And let me tell you, its way too expensive to not use!
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